JGW - Jewellery & Gem WORLD Hong Kong 2024About the German Pavilion Federal Association of the Precious Stones and Diamond Industry

In cooperation with

Federal Association of the Precious Stones and Diamond Industry

The Federal Association of the Precious Stones and Diamond Industry, registered office in Idar-Oberstein, is the competent institution for all trade members in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The association represents the members at the authorities, gives advice to them in questions of environmental belongings, nomenclatures, public relations etc. and is establishing the necessary contacts.

Furthermore, the association is exclusively entitled to conclude tariff agreements and is advising its members in labour law matters, including the representation before the labour court.

Beyond that the association is engaged in public relations concerning the gemstone and diamond industry and trade. Furthermore the association represents its members at important trade fairs.

Federal Association of the Precious Stones and Diamond Industry
Bundesverband der Edelstein- und Diamantindustrie e. V.
Hauptstr. 161
55743 Idar-Oberstein

Phone: +49 6781 944240
Fax: +49 6781 944266
E-mail: info@bv-edelsteine-diamanten.de
Internet: www.bv-edelsteine-diamanten.de

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