JGW - Jewellery & Gem WORLD Hong Kong 2024Products & Services Ergolift Evolution goldsmith's and watchmaker's workbenches
Ergolift Evolution goldsmith's and watchmaker's workbenches
Beco Technic GmbH
Height-adjustable workbenches for goldsmiths, setters, engravers and watchmakers adapt to your requirements!
Even in the basic version, you have the choice between three bench widths and three material combinations. In addition, optional equipment can be added on a modular basis - at the time of initial purchase or at a later date as a subsequent addition.
Further reading Even in the basic version, you have the choice between three bench widths and three material combinations. In addition, optional equipment can be added on a modular basis - at the time of initial purchase or at a later date as a subsequent addition.
Ergolift Evolution goldsmith's and watchmaker's workbenches